Client satisfaction survey
We welcome feedback from clients, their family/whanau and other stakeholders to help us improve. Use our secure form below to tell us about your experience with us. Any feedback we receive is handled with care and discretion.
We're not ACC
This survey is to gather feedback from you about the service received from our team at Focus on Potential - we're contracted by ACC to provide services to you. If you've got feedback about ACC, the ACC team or your claim, please visit the
ACC website for contact details on how to submit feedback.
You're almost done - check the following before you submit your feedback
How happy were you with the way we spoke with you?
How happy were you with the way we explained what we would do together?
Respect and understanding*
How happy were you with the the way we treated you?
How happy were you that we worked on things that were important?
Your clinician*
Overall, how happy were you with your clinician?
Our service*
Overall, how happy were you with the service we provided?
Cultural Needs*
How happy were you that we met your cultural safety needs? (Please note, if you feel this question is not relevant to you, make any selection and just write N/A in the comments, thanks).